Sara Koarich (3r B) – The Happy Flower.

Once upon a time there was a pale flower with little color. She was always very sad because her companions had more color than her, so the sad flower cried and cried non-stop, until one day a wise tree that bloomed only in spring told her to stop. that he bloomed every spring he had to always be happy. And that no matter how many storms fell, they all left water for their roots. Her companions talked non-stop, they weren’t the happiest but they weren’t the saddest either, so they simply had a bit of yellow in the middle, instead she continued without blooming, because the wise tree told her for me to bloom these beautiful leaves, I have to be happy all year long then the little flower looked at him with a very intense point of hope. Well, she began to see the positive things around her and laughed with the bees, the poppies, the petunias, the trees, the daisies… To the point that the pale petals began to fall and some pink, yellow, lilacs, blues, and many more colors. Sadly, the flower died and the tree fell asleep, because spring had ended. But we haven’t finished yet, spring returned and the flower and the tree met again and this time they were happy.